
This module is a Pytorch implementation of facemesh. It will the detect the most prominent face in an image and retuns a stream containing the coordinates of the bounding box as well as the confidence values.


  • min_score_thresh (float) : 0.5, The minimum confidence score for the face detection to be considered successful.

  • batch_size (int) : 50, Number of samples to process at once, increases speed but also (V)RAM consumption. blaze_face.py


Explanation of inputs and outputs as specified in the trainer file:


Explanation of inputs and outputs as specified in the trainer file

The input of the model is a video and feature stream containing the bounding box for the face in the video:

  • input_data (Image | Video) : The image or video on which the model should detect the emotions

  • face_bb (SSIStream) : The bounding box stream


  • landmarks (stream:SSIStream:feature;face;landmarks;facemesh) : The output stream containing the coordinated of the bounding box. These are normalized coordinates (between 0 and 1) with 0,0 being the top left corner.

    Each face mesh stream consisting of 937 dimensional vector per sample:

    • The first 936 values are the coordinates in alternating y,x order

    • confidence value



import requests
import json

payload = {
  "jobID" : "´face_mesh_stream",
  "data": json.dumps([
    {"src":"file:stream:video", "type":"input", "id":"input_data", "uri":"path/to/my/file.mp4"},
    {"src":"file:stream:ssiStream", "type":"input", "id":"face_bb", "uri":"path/to/my/bounding_boxes.stream"},
    {"src":"file:stream:ssistream", "type":"output", "id":"output_stream",  "uri":"path/to/my/stream.stream"}
  "trainerFilePath": "modules\\facemesh\\facemesh.trainer",

url = ''
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
x = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=payload)


  title={Real-time facial surface geometry from monocular video on mobile GPUs},
  author={Kartynnik, Yury and Ablavatski, Artsiom and Grishchenko, Ivan and Grundmann, Matthias},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.06724},
