Privacy Policy

HCM Lab built the SSJ Creator app as an Open Source app. This Service is provided by HCM Lab at no cost and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use our Service. If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy.

Information Collection and Use

SSJ allows the user to collect, process and store information extracted from various sensor, either device internal or external. Due to the nature of the sensors, the collected data may be used to identify the user or any other persons in the perception range of the sensors. The collection of data is only active when the user explicitly presses the "PLAY" button. Thus, the user of the app is solely responsible for the data she or he collects. We encourage the user of the app to obtain an informed consent from all persons in the perception range of the sensors before starting the application.

Location data

SSJ is capable of collecting location data through the integrated GPS sensors of most devices. However, this is only performed if the user explicitly adds a GPS sensor component to a pipeline within the app and presses the "PLAY" button. The data then gets processed on the device according to the configuration set by the user. Therefore, no location data is recorded or stored without explicit user intent.

Log Data

We want to inform you that whenever you use our Service, in a case of an error in the app we collect data and information on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing our Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.


Except from log data in case of errors, no data is shared or transmitted by the app. It is only stored locally on the device's memory. This data is not encrypted in any way.

Children’s Privacy

These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to perform necessary actions.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at

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